Tuesday, October 9, 2012

MP #7

7. Does the essay merely function as a satirical attack?  Does Swift ever present any serious proposals for improving conditions?  If so, where?


  1. No the essay starts out with a statement that anyone that can solve this problem should have a statute built of them. Swift then goes into the satirical attack which is written as a factual suggestion to show it's obsurditity. Then toward the end of the essay Swift does give a couple suggestions that the country should use the products that the country makes and have the shopkeepers sell the local products that will help with employment and pride in the country. He also states that the landlords have been oppressing the tenants with excessive rents and miseries.

  2. Swift really doesn’t probably mean any of his suggestions, but I do not believe that he effectively states a change needs to be made in order to improve living conditions.

  3. Swift spends a lot less time on serious proposals for improving the conditions. While he does mention a couple feasible solutions, it seems like his main focus is the satirical attack.

  4. I think the list of things he mentions at the end are very powerful and the absurdity of his earlier comments make them even more powerful--I guess I disagree with you all on this one.

  5. I think that he did point out some solutions, maybe not to stop everything at once, but to improve their lot in life. You look at the idea of selling things locally and the attack on the land owners to treat the poor more humanly, I think that was his real message of the proposal.

  6. Thank you guys for helping me out on my english work
