Tuesday, August 28, 2012

WIfe of Bath #12

How does the Hag's transformation externally match or mirror an internal transformation of the rapist knight who earlier gave no respect to women?


  1. The Knight's rape of the young woman was an ugly and terribly thing to do, so ironically he ends up marrying an old Hag. When the Knight learns his lesson and begins to treat the Hag right by letting her have control, his good changes causes the Hag to physically transform into a beautiful woman.

  2. He finally has given her power over her life. This is coming from a man who had before taken the power from a women. He has transformed and therefore, so did she. He had done something ugly and turned from his ugly ways and became beautiful from within. Well, so did the hag.

  3. The transformation between the two characters is parallel to the moral presented. Both are ugly (literally and metaphorically) but change into something beautiful over time.
